Wednesday 25 July 2007

a big sorry to you guys!

hey...sorry...have not been blogging for the past few months.too lazy to on the computer.but anyway,i still dragged myself to the screen and here's my third post!i'll try to post more in the future ok?
P.S. oh ya!and remember to smile always!like wat the wang said, always look on the bright side of life!cheers!


Dicey :) said...

HEY!! finally u're blogging

Andie! said...

haha yeah LOR!
get a tag blog sia!
go tag my blog k?

Andie! said...

janice tham mei yi.
at least diane blogs.
i blog too.
blog la OI!
if not get blog for what?

lisa said...

hi janice! :)
come on lah u have a blog only blog 3 posts so far n so short! *no offense* tok more lah, thot u very funny n crappy, blurt it all out here man!
(ps. btw i had to create a google account to leave this comment! see, so much trouble just to leave my footprint on ur blog. haha)

eat my jellybeans said...

EEYER you're blog is just like a corpse. DEAD.

anyway, you didnt keep your promise lah, what happened to "i'll try to blog more in the future, ok?"

tsk tskk ahh, want me to help you guest blog or not? :D i wannnttt!