Wednesday 17 September 2008

Surprise! Surprise!

Hi everyone!:)

Im blogging again, after like...1 year! Anyway, Happy Mugging everyone! Don't sleep too late!:)

Wednesday 12 September 2007

hi guys!isn't it amazing tat i blogged again this month???saw pics on elyssa's blog.they were great.oh ya.and AMANDER complained bout us using her cam.big deal...cant wait for the outing to and mrs.beans,aka jellybeans,are going to be special again and wear pe!hurray!!!have a happy evening and sweet dreams!

Saturday 8 September 2007

without amander

hey.i finally heed ur ''advice'' and blogged again.but i cant guarantee tat i'll blog again in the nex few weeks.u get wat i mean,rite?anyway,at least i blogged like once in a month.cant wait 4 school to outing and the 5 of us in the same group.without amander..sorry sia.laughs...

Wednesday 25 July 2007

a big sorry to you guys!

hey...sorry...have not been blogging for the past few months.too lazy to on the computer.but anyway,i still dragged myself to the screen and here's my third post!i'll try to post more in the future ok?
P.S. oh ya!and remember to smile always!like wat the wang said, always look on the bright side of life!cheers!

Thursday 17 May 2007

it's my lucky day was a great day.we got back our science papers with flying colours,not to mention jellybean who got 99.1 overall!anyway,i think this term is a great term.yay!

Wednesday 16 May 2007


Hi!tis is my first time blogging.yeah.nothing very funny happened sad.we only talked bout happy fish n stuff.we also played cluedo.but elyssa was sleeping cause she was kinda sick.wonder how is she now...hmm...